“Inklusive DMS / ECMS und Branchensoftware in KMU” in short iDESkmu refers to the new research project of the University of Siegen in cooperation with the Blinden- & Sehbehindertenverein Hamburg e.V. (Blind and Visually Impaired Association Hamburg – BSVH) and the service company for program and data migration HAVI Solutions. The research focuses on the accessibility of document management systems, enterprise content management systems and industry software at the workplace in small and medium-sized enterprises for people with visual impairments. In cooperation with companies and affected employees, concrete restrictions of accessibility at workplaces are to be determined. The project started in May 2019 with a funding period of three years (2019 to 2022).

Research goals


  • Analysis of barriers and potentials & development of a DMS sample workplace
  • Practical knowledge of barrier-free DMS and ECMS at user, developer and management level
  • Long-term anchoring: know-how, qualifications and communication

Project website: 


Project period: 


Contact person: 

Jun.-Prof.in. Dr. Claudia Müller