The project INNOLAB demonstrates the potential of Living Labs in the Green Economy. Within the project, innovations for assistance systems in the key areas of sustainable consumption (“living”, “retail”, “mobility”) are developed. In three German Living Labs, companies and research organizations create and test new prototypes and business models with specific engagement of users.

This website addresses both Living Lab operators and users. Among the supply of background information, the project structure, involved partners and news within the project, it serves the extending of the national and international network and transfer and the support of the interaction within the Living Lab Community, the sustainability research and the civil society as driver of innovation. Furthermore, the INNOLAB project team develops a Roadmap to strengthen the LivingLab Concept in the research and innovation system.

The project is funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research within the framework programme “Research for Sustainable Development” (FONA).

Project website:



Contact person:

M.A. Johanna Meurer